Something about Slabbed and journalists whose first names begin with A……

We have Angela from the Kansas City Star (last name withheld to protect with little dignity she has left).

But thank God we have Anita with the Sun Herald because she is evidently the only A babe in the game we like and link.

Because today there is Alyssa from Oxford, who gets an A for defending her honor as a journalist but an F for the swipes at this investigative journalism outlet.

While I ponder my reply I’ll remind everyone that while Alyssa was shoveling shit for a two-bit newspaper in Oxford, the eyes of the nation were on Slabbed getting the skinnny behind the Porteous impeachment. And that’s a fact Jack.  And that doesn’t count this 1 man operation  running investigative circles around the largest newspaper in this area.

IMHO Alyssa is too self-deluded to even find this post as it took her almost three months to find out what was happening in her own community here on Slabbed, but while I ponder the possibilities I’d like everyone to revisit the arrest of Oxpatch Law Blogger/Blue Blood Lawyer Tom Freeland.  The trial is next month and we’ll be there for the good people in Oxford even if Alyssa is too busy to attend.


10 thoughts on “Something about Slabbed and journalists whose first names begin with A……”

  1. I was looking up a story from the Eagle and came across this little tidbit including Ms. Schnugg. I gotta’ say, sir, that you are a massive, self-absorbed douche bag. And I stress “absorbed”. You’re clearly out to make your actions and “revealing investigative reporting” seem far more important than it really is, and judging by your sarcasm-riddled armchair journalism, I’m gonna’ wager a guess it’s because you’re a cunt with only a modicum of wit and a flea’s dick’s worth of talent. I suppose that comes with too much baseless criticism of others and not a whole helluvalot of personal accomplishment. Jealousy is such a terrible thing to bear.

    Have a nice day on the internet, you shit.

  2. Well now Brandon from spell check, I guess your diatribe is the Oxford thinking man’s defense of a lady who’s reporting on Dick Scruggs mostly came from copying blogs like the now defunct Folo. Too bad we didn’t learn about all the problems with the prosecution in Scruggs until years after the fact but such is the case when so called journalists become dupes for entrenched old money interests and lose their objectivity.

    And so you’ll know buttercup the Freeland saga did make the crossover to the traditional media as the variations of the story appeared in both the Clarion Ledger and Daily Journal (without hat tip I’ll add). What does that say about the hometown newspaper when the home boy drives right past it to Tupelo to get his side of the events out? I’m afraid nothing good.

    Dickie Scruggs was a once in a lifetime type of story for folks like Alyssa as not much happens of regional much less national import in rural north Mississippi. Maybe the monthly recap from Baptist Ladies Tea Club is what the readers of the Eagle want but traffic stats tell me we’re meeting a information need for the good folks in Oxford the Eagle isn’t.

    Finally if Alyssa had bothered to read that post she would have seen me actually defending the lack of coverage despite the fact Freeland is a very public figure nothing like Joe Schmo on the streets of Oxford. That said I frankly don’t care what she writes because I never read her anyway.

    See ya around buttercup. 😉


  3. To SOP: Pardon me for being obtuse, but I have a few questions: What’s with the “venom” that permeates Comments by former FOLO and NMC “groupies”? Disagree with them, or offend their sensibilities in some way, and the result is a virulent “personal attack”, every time. I know you can handle it (as I can), but what’s behind it? Thank you. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. I was wondering when you would show Hendry LOL. You sir are the snarkiest of the snark.

      Ashton on the finance boards I noticed that when investors gathered to push their positions the discourse would inevitably turn ugly because there is no room for dissent when an idea, in this case being long or short a stock is being pushed out to the readers. OTOH on those boards where people gathered to determine facts (ie what a company in liquidation is worth for instance) there is a lot more tolerance for differing viewpoints.

      I mention that because in the all the blogging during Scruggs mania there sure wasn’t much room for differing viewpoints on any of the three forums that had wall to wall coverage. Of course now in hindsight everyone wonders how much State Farm was paying David Rossmiller to spread misinformation about the policyholder cases down here for instance. Against that backdrop is it any wonder BelleSouth was run off all 3 of those forums?

      Slabbed has always been the type of blog that my colleague Jason Berry terms a search for the truth. And hearing opposing viewpoints is frankly what ended up modifying how we covered the Porteous impeachment for instance as the truth was far more nuanced than was portrayed in the “journalistic fact” based media, which has it’s own set of shortcomings.

      Feelings will run high on certain issues and I think we all understand that. But searching for the truth can also ruffle the feathers of those that have an investment in the subject matter emotional or otherwise. I think you’re seeing that play out here.

      When I cleared Alyssa’s comment last night I asked myself if I should be the bigger guy and solicit clarification for her poorly thought out comment or treat her as the superior journalist she intimated she was and dispatch her accordingly. Obviously I went the second route showing her as much respect as she showed this blog.

      Alyssa did come back last night and do what she should have done to begin with reading the about page, noticing we have a contact page among other things. It is OK if people want to come on here to defend themselves and that includes Magnum himself. The greatest validation of my style of running this blog came from the wife of a public official that has been pillored here on Slabbed a time or two who told me that she was fine with me “because I was fair”. No compliment I’ve ever received running this blog made me feel as good as that one.

      Alyssa could have helped herself by educating our readers and ironically it was a journalist reaching out that turned me onto the fact that very few misdeamoners make the paper anymore which is why I defended it not being in the Eagle initially and took up for Patsy Brumfield when she ran the story from Team Freeland. Unfortunately Alyssa, like Angela whiffed very badly.


  4. Walt maybe that middle initial is why you got hammered here last week in comments.

    Joe Stagni has an eloquent defender in his corner for certain.


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