Louisiana Legislator Girod Jackson back in the news and this time it is not for ripping folks off or getting no bid contracts from Jefferson Parish

You know it has to be an election year when the local crooked politicos start kicking up sand to make it look as if they care for the people instead of lining their own pockets. Such is the case with Paul Purpura’s story on State Rep. Girod Jackson’s efforts in the legislature to create a third minority judicial district in the 24th JDC. Jackson is a name we know well here on Slabbed as he runs earmark scams with outgoing Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee fleecing the taxpayers outta big money. And when he is not stealing from the local taxpayers Jackson scams ordinary folks like the poor Moss family who claims Jackson became the invisible man after taking their money to repair their house.

Meantime the folks in Harvey are getting just the type of representation in the legislature they deserve. Breaking the cycle of masochistic ignorance that leads to ascension of unabashed crooks like Jackson and fellow west banker John Alario to public office is the key here IMHO.
