Oxford lawyer/blogger Tom Freeland arrested for Trespassing and Simple Assault (Updated/Revised)

Short and sweet folks.  Last night I was emailed an arrest report  involving Oxford Lawyer/Blogger Tom Freeland.  I contacted Mr Freeland who disputed the allegations and declined further comment. The sworn complaint, which represents one side of a legal dispute, is salacious in its detail:

Once inside, Ms White stated that Mr Freeland grabbed and pulled on her hair and kissed her several times. Ms White stated he began telling her “You know you want this as much as I do.” Ms. White stated that he then ripped her blouse off and then stood up and stepped back for a few steps…..

When I went into financial blogging I became acutely aware of the target I was painting on myself and have remained so aware in the succeeding years. Not only does hard hitting blogging earn one enemies it also means you gotta maintain a higher standard.

The reaction to this news has been very great.  Bellesouth in particular has had problems with Freeland as a commenter on his blog and their falling out was handled in a way other than what I would have done in similar circumstances as moderator of Slabbed. Frankly that whole deal left me scratching me head.

We’ll keep an eye out on this case.


79 thoughts on “Oxford lawyer/blogger Tom Freeland arrested for Trespassing and Simple Assault (Updated/Revised)”

  1. Ima our spies are everywhere. 😉

    To clarify I deleted the last sentence of this post after a female member of the Slabbed Nation pointed out that while women may like their husbands to be “frisky”, the behavior described in the police report is in no way a turn on for most women.


  2. In fact, Sop, the kind of behavior displayed by Tom Freeland is sadistic in nature —
    1.the getting of sexual pleasure from dominating, mistreating, or hurting one’s partner
    2.the getting of pleasure from inflicting physical or psychological pain on another or others
    Just read my blog! It turns out that I completely nailed the thug.

  3. Why did you only publish four pages of an eight page report? Mr. Freeland was also charged with the separate charge of trespassing when he allegedly home-invaded Mrs. White’s house and alledgedly forced his sexual favors upon the poor woman.

    1. The pdf repeated itself and I saw no sense in posting repetitive pages Hendry but on second look it appears there is a second summons. Thanks for pointing that out – my eyes gets crossed at the end of these long tax season workdays.


  4. Sop- Off the top of my head it sounds like a setup. Tom’s wife invites Susan for dinner with them both. Was Susan a client of Ms.Freeland, and if not, friends ( what, no details as to relationships for their dinner meeting). Something causes a fight between the Freelands ( Susan perhaps). There’s not too many male attorneys stupid enough to track via auto after drinking and attack a woman at her domicile unless he was led on by Susan then doublecrossed for reasons unknown. Little beautiful, but still worried Susan could not find her husband at the alumni house ( hero to rescue); but she went home alone anyway although Tom was following her; the dog was not at the entrance door when Susan opened the door, but behind another door, but the dog saved the day; and lastly she didn’t want to file charges because the Freelands are both lawyers- no sense to it unless Susan’s maiden name is ‘Gump’ .

    1. Good points Lock. I’m trying to play this one straight and have seen enough to know such things as you describe very well could happen.

      On the outside all bloggging looks the same and the folks that do this are stereotyped as losers with nothing better to do than play on a computer. Besides the time you spend there is lots of work that goes into developing leads and sources. There is all manner of skull duggery and that doesn’t count dirty tricks big business play like the neighborhood canvass etc. That is where the “higher standard” comes in as it protects the blogger IMHO.

      I firmly believe the charges against Julian Assange were trumped up based on my research. I have no info beyond the police report with which to judge this, which is why we all need to keep an open mind until all the facts are out.

      Like with the problem between John Houghtaling and his neighbors, Tom Freeland deserves his day in court. These are misdemeanor charges. They do not rate a newspaper as a general rule but if this had been a reporter that would have been a different story as we saw today.


      Freeland is a blogger, I’m a blogger. It fits despite the fact it is misdemeanor.


  5. Yes it’s all a misdemeanor, the more sex Tom misses the meaner he gets. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hi BelleSouth, you up and running? Bloggers don’t we just love’em. Excuse me I gotta check out Tom site for a minute. So I get my old lady with a pick a chick playout some crap send her home follow the chick home bust up in her house rip her clothes off get a look and how much is that misdemeanor? And by the way aren’t there any hookers in Oxford? You kiss your mother with that mouth? hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  6. A setup? Yeah, right. They made him do it! That is the sickest thing I have ever heard. Why not just get a divorce!? And Sop, I am ashamed you even think that was a good point!

  7. There is an alternate view set-up wise. I am not for a moment representing the truth or falseness of any of the allegations but merely observing that an alternate spin might be possible. Read carefully all 8 pages, particularly the handwritten affidavits. The alternate view might include that (a) Mrs. Freeland lured the victim to city grocery via text-invite for drinks and dinner, recall the victim’s husband once rented space in Freeland’s building; (b) once the victim was hooked, the happy couple staged a fight and Mrs. F. stalked off in high dudgeon which permitted Quasimodo the chance to throw the moves on the victim; (c) she hauled a**, intelligently enough looking for her husband and cover, finding none, headed home; (d) Quasimodo appears, kicks in the door, rips off the blouse, laps her mouth with his disgusting maw, until she turns the family hound loose; and (e) (which proves all) Mrs. Freeland is the one who keeps trying to contact the victim to calm things down, plainly part of the plot (which would have included her accidnetly happening up on the pair of them scrogging like young minks and joining in). Obviously it was Mrs. F’s calls, texts, and thrid party calls that ultimately drove the victim to OPD with the complaints. Let’s face it, physcially she is as repulsive as he is. albeit without dandruff in her eyebrows. But then mere physical repulsiveness is no proof of guilt. Maybe it is all just a setup and he is an innocent victim.

    Another view might include upgrading the charges to felony. Bodily harm — bruises, home invasion to commit an assault (burglary) and attempted sexual battery, all speak to felony charges. You can bet your last nickel if Quasimodo were black, or a mere mortal, this matter would be presented to a grand jury.

    In honor of April 15th why doesn’t somebody pull up the IRS liens for Lafayette County for unpaid taxes. There ‘s an old one there for young Quasimodo’s home, although since paid-off. As for evidence of prior sexual misconduct take a look at the final order in his previous divorce case, where he confesses adultery. Both sets of documents are available on-line from Lafayette Chancery Clerk’s office. The divorce file makes pretty interesting reading, for inquiring minds. As does the current property records for his deeds of trust. There’s a story there.

  8. I know for many readers of this post I need not say this but one way to keep sunshine and transparency on these proceedings is to show up. Slabbed will have someone there. If there is a fix in we’ll get to the bottom of it like we did with Mags.


  9. I personally know T and J and they are good people, regardless of whatever grievance bellesouth is apparently obsessing over. And I’d bet the farm I’ve logged more hours with them than most. Calling him a thug is pretty melodramatic. I have no knowledge of any of the facts alleged in the complaint, but they certainly seem out of character as far as the stalking and physical aggression is concerned, though I certainly believe the facts of the dinner and fight. And Tom and Joyce are no more repulsive than the actions of someone who would kick a man while he’s down. Have some self respect.

  10. I-P-S Belle is like most folks in that she only wanted to be treated with a little respect. You in fact used that word in your attack on her and yes I agree, Mr Freeland certainly knows something about kicking a man while he is down.

    Since we’re sharing I’ve never met the Freelands, wanted to at one time but was cured of that urge. That said Joyce has been described to me as the Tom’s legal pack mule and indeed she did some wonderful work in Hattiesburg last summer in a criminal case.

    OTOH a member of the media described Tom to me as a simple Elitist. This I could easily see as it spills through in his blogging. Elitism is a special form of arrogance and that aura evaporates pretty quickly when the boorish behavior such as that detailed in the affidavit comes to light.

    Now you say you believe the facts of the dinner and the fight. All that happened in a public place. After that this devolves into a he said-she deal said except for one thing. The bruises on Freeland’s alleged victim, which provide some physical evidence. I need to take a second stab at uploading the arrest paperwork.

    Normally I’d not be interested except for the hit and run blogging Freeland did on the Katrina litigation and the man had lots of opinions about the people down here and their fight against State Farm, most of them terribly misinformed.

    Stay tuned because Mr and Mrs Freeland need all the friends they can muster on this blog. Unlike how Belle was treated in the Scruggs blogging I’ll be insisting our commenters treat each other with respect.


  11. I-P-S: Good people? If Tom is such a good person why did his own brother require he swear an oath during a recent hearing where he was called as a witness. Lawyers are presumed, as officers of the court, to be truth-tellers and therefore are not required to be sworn, the oath may be waived. Tom’s brother must know something IPS doesn’t. Ask that person. Good person? Again, take a look at the divorce file. One cannot get much more mean-spirited than “good” Tom was to his last (real?) wife in the divorce settlement, after cheating on her. And how he treated his own son. Read the file, it’s there, it’s free and it’s the truth. Well, except the part where Tom lied in his answer and then came clean in the final decree.

    Do good people get $56,000 behind on their taxes such that the IRS files a lien on their home? Do good people stiff the serving staff at City Grocery? Do good people make horrible accusations about professionals (“the man who lied to Judge Mills”) only to have several months worth of postings on his blog “disappear” after it had become clear that the allegations may well have been libelous? Ever notice the disappearing posts? Isn’t it odd, only the actionable ones go away.

    If you have logged so much time with these “good people” have they shared their purported defense in the blind pig rape case with you? Good people? Not in my book. That anyone could even come up with that perversion is astounding to me, much less think that a jury would be anything but scandalized. Ask Joyce about that the next time you are hanging out. Disgusting pigs is lots closer to the mark.

    So far as legal skills, I dunno. They just got their clocks cleaned in a medicare fraud case. They got crucified in a contracts case that went to a jury last year. Turned down any settlement offer and suffered a counter-judgment. Code for not knowing when to take the money and run. Or, they went for wool and came home shorn. How about Tom posting a federal client’s plea agreement on folo? Do good people expose the terms of their clients pleas to the world? There is a reason for their being sealed.

    Tom Freeland is pathologically envious of success in any form, particularly of social grace and generosity. He is a mean-spirited toad-eating little turd with dandruff in his eyebrows and he stinks. Literally — poor hygiene, as you surely would have noticed spending time with him as you have.

    No I-P-S, I pity your social life. Try hanging out with some normals for a change.

  12. Catfight!

    Like several others, I laid off Freedland for being State Farm’s bitch in Katrina litigation. I like reading what the insiders know and their differing opinions, and as an outsider, I really look forward to seeing what happens with this complaint. This is way more interesting than beating the dead Scruggs horse.

    1. The abiding question in my mind is whether NMC’s former sidekick at Folo, Lotus was being paid by State Farm or a dupe. Hendry mentioned missing posts on NMC’s new blog but I’ve noticed some of the old Folo posts were “massaged” after the fact, one on the Rigsby sisters in particular. That does not rule out being a dupe.

      I think most everyone of that bunch of north Mississippi power lawyers that surfaced during Scruggs mania have significant skeletons in their own pasts.

  13. Thank you Hendry! What you said absolutely confirms everything I have gleemed from reading his blog and my interactions with him on the blog. Fascinating! In fact, I have a libel suit against him but I haven’t filed it yet. Maybe now would be a good time. NMC is definitely pathological. When I called to get him to take down the libelous posts he had up about me, I spoke with Joyce and told her he is a woman-hater. I hopes she believes it now, and she gets a divorce from him sooner or later.
    Also, the blouse he ripped off of White should be evidence as well as the bruises.

  14. It looks like Tommy was born with too many fingers, at least on his right hand. I guess he could’ve gotten one chopped off or caught somewhere it shouldn’t have been, because it looks like it was re-attached. Or maybe he is just a reincarnated toad. Ribbit.

  15. Thanks Puppet for link. A picture is worth a thousand words and that particular shot says it all, doesn’t it. There for a while I was thinking “toad eating little turd with dandruff in his eyebrows and he stinks . . .” was a little harsh. In retrospect, I was much too kind. You can actually make out the dandruff flaking from his eyebrows. You cannot really see the smell but you can tell by the horrible brown miasma that discolors the photograph. See it!

    Besides, I left out the part about his physique, kind of a young Jabba the Hut. The profile shot shows that off very well indeed.

    Well ladies, how’d you like to have this Gargoyle munching on your face, telling you sweet nothings like “you know you want this as much as I do?” Back to the confession of adultery in his divorce decree, if true, she — whoever she might have been — must have been the horniest female in this history of human sexuality. Or, more likely, quadruped sexuality.

    What a pig . . . come to think of it, that defames the family of swine. What a Gargoyle!

  16. Great commentary, Hendry. But I must admit, bellesouth’s “extra finger” theory has me riveted. I did not even see this when I found the photo. Study it for a few minutes and belle’s theory becomes difficult to dispute, unless that’s his pinky and it’s been surgically re-attached way closer to his ring finger than normal. Maybe I-P-S can fill us in on Tom’s “fingering” issues.

  17. Remember what Henrdy said about disappearing posts above?


    NMC was self-hosting with Godaddy then. I now completely understand what happened and how months of posts disappeared from his blog. Someone complained and Godaddy pulled the plug because they are pussies. The paths diverge from there because every post and 99.9% of the comments (left over the weekend on old posts that did not transfer back here) remain in our official record. The comments that were left on old posts were not salvagable but I hope Telemachus saved his work on “connect the dots”.

    I’ve always been exactly whom I said I was. I earned my sources on Jefferson Parish and in insurance blogging the old fashioned way but folks that wasn’t hard because I yam what I said I was (and yam). No hidden agenda just old fashioned journalism and a search for the truth on topics that interest me. No doubt that has made me enemies but the best they can muster is weak ass copyright bullshit that melts away prety quick.

    I say this because it is clear NMC has also earned himself some enemies via his blogging. Those missing posts exist somewhere IMHO, maybe a pdf file or maybe on plain paper but I bet someone has them.

    The plot thickens greatly.


  18. There is an old saying that goes something like this: “Yea who lives in glass houses shall not throw rocks.” Tommy Freeland has thrown his rocks, no pun intended, and now they are crashing down his house. I want to know why the Oxford Eagle isn’t all over this like stink on poop. Scruggs couldn’t fart without someone with the Oxford Eagle being close enough to smell it, or possibly taste it. No, I wasn’t a Scruggs fan either, but what is good for the goose is definitely good for the gander.

  19. The newspapers generally do not cover misdemeanors though one of our earlier commenters questioned why he was not charged with a felony.

    I rather suspect the anti Scruggs bloggers fancy this as some sort of Zach Scruggs revenge party (thought I imagine Zach and folks like NMC’s “trailer lawyers” are enjoying this mightily). That notion could not be more wrong.


  20. Two items of note. The fun couple, T&J, were observed night before last crossing Lamar hand-in-hand. More credence to the “Joyce was part of the fix” theory.

    If this were some kind of vendetta, instead of a straight-up “inquiring minds want to know (about sexual preversion amongst morbidly obese trolls)” thread, the place to go would be OPD to rule out any chance that this was not pig-boy’s first rodeo.

    So far as the Oxford Eagle, Alyssa Shnugg, another pig-troll, is not about to fairly or honestly report court news. Not when she is beholden to all and sundry. A better question is why hasn’t the Tupelo rag picked up this story?

    What if the accused were some nameless soul, the plumber, a polieman, a mere mortal? Would there still be a news black out?

    Let’s tell the truth here the allegations support felony prosecution. Bruises inflicted during an assault after breaking into a house univited? Blouse ripped off?

    Either those allegations are not true or this is a two violent felony case. First, burglary, an unlawful entry to commit a crime, here simple assault (at a minimum), at common law a capital offense and still viewed as a violent crime by definition. Second, attempted sexual battery.

    The funniest remark on this thread remains, “And Tom and Joyce are no more repulsive than the actions of someone who would kick a man while he

  21. Robert Moore eh. NMC’s coverage made Overlawyered.


    The post might be gone but the media remains. That does not compute with what he said – remember he changed hosts too. How could the files still be there if the posts are gone?




    We also have this post.


    But this one is key:



  22. I’ll tell you what. My paper here in little ole South Mississippi town definitely prints police reports, police arrests, sheriff reports and sheriff arrests and prints all courthouse records each week, and in our neighboring state the same. So, there is no reason none of this is not reported. They report contempt of court citations here.

  23. I wonder why no coverage accept on blogs? Oxford Eagle…Daily Journal…. No one will report it? No matter though the MS Bar WILL look into it no matter how the charges are covered by the press. I now see why Tom always seemed to kiss the ass of reporters who posted on his blog.

    I really feel for anyone that hired this bozo to represent them. I just hope that it does not get swept under the rug.

    Trying to hook up with someone is one thing, but forcing his way into a womens house, ripping off her blouse and leaving bruises? This ain’t a DWI we’re talking about. Any regular citizen would have multiple felony charges.

    Robert It must really be good to be the King!

    1. Hi Hatfield. Let’s hold judgment on media coverage until he’s had his day in court. They’ve all seen the coverage here and I’m certain they got a copy of the Oxford PD report around the same time I did, likely before.

      Does the Oxford Eagle publish the arrest reports as a matter of routine? If so and this was omitted then there is a legit gripe. This happened with Grand Isle Mayor David Carmadelle’s stepdad whom by his own admission molested a young boy.

      Besides the media we’ve had all the usual crowd read this post and we have a very discriminating readership. For the week it is a solid #2 right behind my pissing contest with the Times Picayune.

      What we need is another post because Hendry Jones nailed the events IMHO.


  24. sop your right he does deserve his day in court and is not guilty until proven so. I guess my gripe is with the selective journalism in North Miss. It’s a pattern not just this case. The Oxford Eagle reported a drunk college fight between a couple of frat boys, but NADA on this subject.

    sop keep up the good work!

  25. hatfield, I wouldn’t know, however having no self control a king would appear to fair out a little better then……

    Does we have da court date?

    Any further like of reporting by certain news agencies I’ll question the possiblity only one action could reveal the facts. http://youtu.be/Y0cF2piwjYQ

  26. Interesting points guys. For starters there IS selective reporting in Oxford.

    Examples: No mention of a guilty plea to an information (avoiding grand jury presentation) done in distant county on a Lafayette County L.E. officer’s sweetheart plea, avoiding jail, avoiding sex crime stigma, reserving non-adjudication. Not a word about lawyer caught redhanded at the jail smuggling contraband in (not less than 3 yrs or more than 15) but not prosecuted. If you look at the civil forfeiture files you’ll learn much. How about the constable who shot into a professional office without prosecution? How about the ADA’s DUI husband who refused to stop for OPD? Not much in the Eagle about those cases. Just lucky, I guess. Has an Oxford Eagle reporter EVER gotten a sweetheart deal on a felony plea involving a crime of dishonesty? Inquiring minds want to know. Does the paper need to publish a disclaimer to alert their readers that some folks are protected from public scrutiny?

    So far as the Bar goes: forget it! An Oxford lawyer plead to a felony this week. He’s still listed as active on the Bar website. He was charged year before last, I think it was, and his picture was in the paper, a judicial officer notified the Bar promptly at that time but no action. That person continued to “practice.”

    Some state bars have “emergency suspension” procedures to protect the public from rogue lawyers even before they are convicted of a crime. A sex lunatic, for example, could do lots of harm before his or her conviction if allowed to practice law, deal with vulnerable people, etc. Not a problem in Oxford. There is a even a former ADA on the sex registration website, grinning proud as punch, having plead to possession of child pornography.

    While in no way suggesting any professional wrong-doing by any particular lawyer, I think an agressive Bar General Counsel might have some fun with some silly little rules like: MRPC 1.6(a), publishing a client’s plea agreement on the internet; MRPC 4.2 the anti case-running rule applies to accused criminal defendants who are represented, as well as car wrecks; MRPC 8.4(b) “commit a criminal act that reflects advesely on . . .fitness as a lawyer” Doesn’t say felony, doesn’t say convicted. 8.4(c) “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation” Would that include a denial of having committed adultery and an admission in the same file? Dunno.

    Take a shake at MCA 25-4-1 et seq. The Ethics Commission is there to protect “public confidence and the integrity of government” from slimeball “public officials” and “public servants.” Would an attorney for a school board or school district qualify? It’s pretty broad, if you look at the definitions. Again, dunno.

    I love the “double secret probation” bit but “fat drunk and stupid” hits the nail right on the head.

    Without having been born white and into a law practice in a state with very low academic and professional requirements (has he ever taken a bar exam?) I suspect Quasimodo and his plump bride would be doing their best to remain morbidly obese by gorging on the refuse in the dumpster BEHIND City Grocery.

  27. You got to be in the club. How do you get in? I don’t wana join, but say if someone were to be above the law, how would they accomplish that?

  28. I think I can help this person. If I may?
    shhhh, pssssssst, hey Choggs, you didn’t get this from me but uh. Do you have a top hat, cape and wand? They’ll supply the robe but the back-room attire isn’t complete without the additional pieces . Hood optional and since you can write and breath your most likely qualify. The system is driven on money for favors. It might be yours the money that is but that still may not include you to any of it. I’ll give you a site here which is probably a good start. You’ll travel to vast voids of mind-less nothing-ness by the pros from the club to violate civil right and law. Ahh and yes they earn the status of untoachable. A place where you too can wittness the present day and direct means by which your court of law, isn’t. No doubt the money will be well spent.

    Here’s the tip >>http://www.classvictim.wordpress.com

    But first with just a common law degree how does one become so wealthy? Money for nothing or Low investment with very High returns. Basic magic from the court >>>>> http://youtu.be/yaz1XvDvxUI

  29. Hendry (aka Tom Levidiotis) I’m not sure you have any reason to be commenting on Mr. Freeland’s looks. Have you seen your mustache in a mirror ever?

  30. Looks like Mr. Freeland’s p.r. machine is finally up and running.
    Standard diversionary approach: Change the subject of the discussion by attacking someone else.

    Let’s see what the facts of the case against Mr. Freeland turn out to be in open court.
    We have a woman with an apparently upstanding moral reputation in the community filing a claim against a man with reportedly past moral failings in the area of adultery.
    That reality should bear upon the weighing of the ‘she said-he said’ testimony.

    Will the truth (whatever it is) prevail?

  31. Hmmm? Levidiotis is the one who brought looks into it. I just think it’s fair for people
    to know who is blasting Mr. Freeland. Mr. Levidiotis has a lot of reasons to
    dislike Mr. Freeland (google it), none of them having to do with this case. There’s no PR move on Mr. F’s part, he didn’t ask me to post anything anywhere. He’s a friend of mine and I find all of this hard to believe.

      1. In fact I’ll add based on my googling of the name and Levidiotis’ location there in Oxford that while you can never rule such things out it is highly unlikely Hendry Jones=Tom Levidoitis. As moderator of Slabbed even if I knew I would never dislcose a posters ID except to the legal team in a privleged setting but absent any proof I’d caution our readers that such name dropping is speculative at best and wrong 99% of the time.

        All that said Hendry is a quality basher and while that does NOT constitute an endorsement of his observations by Slabbed it is also obvious the comments have caused a good bit of tongue wagging in North Mississippi.

        Mr Plus I’ve never had a problem with Belle but I’ve always tried to treat all my commenters with basic respect and frankly the fact that State Farm shill David Rossmiller ran her off ICB is a big plus in my book. Having witnessed her breakup with Tom I’ll add he has nothing to be proud of in the way he handled things. JMHO.


  32. Well my first tip was this paragraph in his comments:

    “If you have logged so much time with these

    1. Thanks Paul appreciate the clarification. I won’t try to dissuade you because all I know is the where Hendry is posting from and nothing else.

      I was told by another journalist that misdemeanor arrests do not merit a story as a general rule except as part of a regular arrest report column. The policy evidently varies by paper and chain. The alleged victim is a stalwart member of the Oxford community which is part of what makes this so compelling. I know down here given similar circumstances tongues would certainly be wagging. For this blog it has translated into readers, some of whom never would have found us otherwise.

      The dichotomy of viewpoints expressed about NMC in the comments is interesting to me. It appears people either absolutely like him or absolutely despise him without much middle ground.


  33. SOP, I don’t think looking at ones online handle can lead you too a conclusion as to who they are. Lotus would be a good example of that. But unless my sources are wrong then I’d bet on it being Levidiotis. Without proof from Hendry I am going to believe it is Tom L. His writing is too much like the way he talks and behaves.

  34. Even when a person has done no wrong there are those who would be willing to prosecute the innocent because that person may have stated and represented the Gospel Truth. Being of human flesh and having witnessed myself being prosecuted for being on the side of truth I have been blessed by such experiences. Seeing that all of us have fallen short of being sinless creatures created in the likeness of God lets give Tom a chance to prove his innocence. Hendry and Belle check the greatest story written in the most printed journal of all time- B I B L E – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth – then blog in and prosecute me for I need a super blessing-Matt.5:11 ‘ Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.’

  35. lockmeuptight, yeah, tell that to NMC! He’s the one that falsely maligns others when they have done nothing wrong. Here, in this case, I doubt he has been falsely accused. I mean, what would be the point of dragging yourself through such unpleasantries if they weren’t true?

  36. Wrong, Paul Queen. Or is that you, NMC, writing under cover of Alyssa Schnuggs (or is it Fatsy Scumfield?

    I don’t know what the guy with the funny name looks like but I am the whitest, smoothest, most beautiful man who ever lived and I move like a jungle cat.

    So far as Mr. Uptight’s observation, the operative words are “falsely for my sake.”

    NOT truthfully to cover a violent sociopath’s sex crime.

    Freeland is a germ who has coasted on his father’s reputation for decades. Folks have let him get away with all manner of folly on the theory they respected old Hal. This latest is pretty egregious.

    Why doesn’t somebody talk about the $56,000 tax lien. Some people pay their taxes while others dodge them.

  37. I’m not the least bit surprised that not even the Spirit in His Word can rock the personal hatred worlds of Hendry and Belle. Understand, I have great compassion for any and all victims of evil, but I have even more compassion for the mass prejudiced, convicted innocent.

  38. Yeah, Paul Quinn is not very good at researching people. He thought Kingfish was a lawyer. D’oh! So, he booted me off of NMC’s when NMC wasn’t around. Even NMC had to take up for me then.

  39. I am thinking about the victim Bellesouth:

    I admit it, you got my goat. I have resisted, since yesterday, commenting on the similarities between the Strauss-Kahn affair and the accusations against lawyer/blogger Tommy Freeland (that he barged into a woman

  40. Is he not the lawyer for Robert Simon Jr – who is on death row for the mass murder of the Parker family? Simon convicted of capital murder, arson, kidnapping, rape, sodomy and who knows what else? Hmm

  41. I was not going to go there, seemed like a cheap shot to me. But since somebody else mentioned it, assault with a sexual motive after forcing his way into a private home ARE what Mr. Freeland is himself accused of.

    As I posted under “No Shit Tom” this morning, “His shady sexual history, and lifelong weirdness. His infantile sense of humor, lack of honor, of decency in any regard, all seem to me fair game for a toad-eating little turd. And all are indicia of reliability in the assault case.”

    Does this representation lend still more credibility to the charges against him?

  42. Oh my, guys. You’re on to something here. Did you see where he said on his blog[quoted on my blog] on one hand he had 70+ pages from the prison and then later on said he didn’t have any reports from the prison? WTF? This whole time I have been thinking the 5th was telling this guy [tommy perv.] to put up or shut up. Now he’s gonna to really have to work to salvage any respect and keep his law license.

  43. The case has been continued until August. You can search all the posts on this case by entering Freeland in the search box on the upper right of this webpage.


  44. The arrest was a misdemeanor. When you can find a misdemeanor arrest mentioned in the Eagle in the last five years with names, point it out to me. You won’t. Only exception is when the victims or even the accused, want to be in the paper and contact us. And that is very rare. Other exceptions, when a DUI case goes to Circuit for Appeal, it gets tossed into the Court Term report with the others.

    Mr. Freeland is not an elected official. He is a lawyer. No different that Joe Schmo getting charged with a misdemeanor. I am sorry we are not filling you with the gossip you so readily seem to crave. We report news.

    The Eagle has 2 full time staff reporters. We do not have time to watch for every case that goes through the docket. We cannot spend weeks on one case of one person with a tax lien. If the person was a public official, then perhaps.

    If anyone has any issue with anything I have reported or believes I am on the take..which is funny cause I’d be a hell of lot richer if I was, please feel free to grow some… and contact me directly instead of hiding behind a blog name. Until then, your complaints are meaningless.

    My email is published in the paper. Feel free to contact me with valid tips anytime or issues with my stories.

  45. It’s been a long time since I last dropped by your blog, SOP. Hope all is well with you. I Was bored and needed something to entertain me and this thread certainly filled the bill. I’ve read the NMC blog a few times, especially during the Scruggs trials…and observed his treatment of Belle. As we humans tend to do, I formed a visual in my mind of what he must look like and, I have to say, Hendry has described the picture in my mind TO A “T”!! Thanks for the laugh! So, what was the outcome of this deal? A slap on the hand! Did he have to write “I will not sexually assault my dinner guests” 150 times! Or, what?

    1. I’m delighted you are back JM. I thought about you the other day in fact when I made a LinkedIn connection with a mutual business acquaintence.

      As I understand it Tom Freeland appealed the case on the deadline day to Circuit Court there in Lafayette County. I have not heard how that turned out.

      I checked at Bellesouth’s blog and she had a post up from October which rehashed the Justice Court trial.


      I’ll send out some feelers and try to get an update.

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