Hey, Mr. Postman, who got “junk mail about heirloom garbage” from River Birch?

Want to know demographic information on the number of voters in Jefferson Parish?

Visit the website of the Parish Voter Registrar, Dennis DeMarco, and pick up a copy of the latest newsletter.

Want to know the cost of sending information at the first class, presorted rate?

Visit savepostage.com.

If every registered voter in Jefferson Parish was on the mailing list, River Birch would have paid $113,305 to send out “junk mail about heirloom garbage”. (273,684 x $0.41.4)

Want to know who got “junk mail about heirloom garbage”?

Sorry, you’ll have to figure that out!

6 thoughts on “Hey, Mr. Postman, who got “junk mail about heirloom garbage” from River Birch?”

  1. Actually they did not use this method – what they used is a zip plus mailing list – The list can be selected by zip code or County or even state.

    The Post card then mail merges the address

    Here is a link to the Program and Software to select the list


    Total Number of Records Available: 119,936
    Total Number of Records to order: 119,936
    Total Price for Order: $4,196.56

  2. So, fifth, does the company create the postcard?

    Obviously, I’m rather taken with the card and the idea of “heirloom garbage”. Bet the National Trust hasn’t considered the possibility of preserving a dump for “future generations”!

  3. They can create it and print if that’s what the company wants or the run from a pre-supplied pdf – I would need to actually see the card – the postage would be much cheaper and bulk – the items are delivered presorted to post office – so bulk mail rates kick in –

    The printing is very cheap on these – it looks like a 2 sided multi color – but the presses will do it in one pass and it should be a standard post office bulk document.

    The cost really depends on the actual size of the document

  4. Looking at the scanned copy I received, I believe the card was 5.5 x 8.5 – and, in my experience, that suggests multiple copies were printed on larger card stock and cut.

  5. nowdoucit – ok that is either a 2 part or 4 part cut – depending on the press-
    It is all Bar-coded and machinable and will classify itself as a flat-

    Because the hit Jefferson it is in the same ADC Area – And they would have dropped to a sectional – so the postage would be around .20 per piece.

    Printing and everything no more than .30 per piece.

    They spent around 30k for this if they mailed every postal address in Jefferson.

    Here is the rate information

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