Hey, Ashton, “The truth will set you free”

My all time favorite example of a backhanded compliment –  “she’s got freckles on her but she’s pretty just the same”  – was one-upped today by James Gill’s  “Disbarred attorney not as crazy as he seems”:

A federal appeals court ruling last week leads inescapably to the conclusion that New Orleans’ most famous disbarred attorney, Ashton O’Dwyer, may not be entirely crazy after all.

He still comes close, but the court handed him a small measure of vindication in throwing out a Katrina class-action settlement that he has always denounced as a lawyers’ scam to stiff the plaintiffs…[and]…he certainly was wronged by the cops who arrested him a few weeks after the storm, when he was attracting nationwide media attention for what he termed his “Robinson Crusoe” existence on St. Charles Avenue and his furious attacks on inept government.

He spent 16 hours at a makeshift jail at the Union Passenger Terminal, where he was locked in a portable metal cage, repeatedly pepper-sprayed and shot several times with beanbag pellets. He was never prosecuted, but nobody has been held to account for the maltreatment, for which he has produced ample photographic evidence.

Understandably, someone subjected to such might get a little crazy when no one is held accountable; but, let’s not go there today.

Today we celebrate – Merry Christmas, Ashton!

10 thoughts on “Hey, Ashton, “The truth will set you free””

  1. AROD : I’ve already toasted you today under Slabb’s previous post, “The 5th Circuit Plays Grinch”, but I’ll again wish you a Merry Christmas here again under Nowdy’s timely post. May you be able to forgive but not forget and let’s continue as a truth seeking group to pursue your vindication and total revelation of the conspiracy which led to your illegal domicillary removal and torture all without legal cause.

  2. 3 Cheers for Ashton!!! Merry Christmas, and may the New Year bring continued vindication and recognition of just how right you have been all along!!!

  3. Truth is a bitter pill for those who do not speak it! Ashton has spoken the truth and paid a great price to those who do not. If and when everyone realizes that the levees did not fil due to design error, but blatent ignorance of 33 CFR 208.10 and its requirements as spelled out by the Assistant Secretary of the Army’s Office in 1963. No safe working area/house for pump operators required to be on duty during times of great danger, no positive cut-offs in discharge pipelines, etc, no patroling of levees & flood walls during times of great danger, no monitoring of necessary channels to remove waters from populated areas. Use of out dated vertical control, excessive stick-up of I-walls, no repairs made to erosion of channel banks, no surveys of channels as required by that document & the 1987 letter from the COE to the S&WB concerning annual monitoring surveys from that date forward.

    Surveys were never taken and data never furnished as required to the COE and no follow-up again points to gross negliance & malfeasence. All of which Ashton tried to present but was denied. Perhaps may get explored and corrected.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS Ashton and all that make this venue available.

  4. I’m surprised you held off this long Sock LOL.

    The untold story here is that of people reaching out and helping their fellow man. In AROD’s case the Slabbed Nation has demonstratively proven that beyond our presence here in cyber space it is also a community in real life. In fact word has it folks are actively encouraging Ashton to break down and wear shorts for lunch. If you know Ashton that is no simple or easy feat!


  5. Let me make one last comment on this thread and end it on a positive note. I wish the brilliant man no more ill-will than that which he has received already.

  6. Before there was a Slabbed Nation there was AROD telling the world how it was post Katrina.

    The political powers didn’t like the truth he was speaking so they set about to shut him up.

    AROD had water, food and shelter but he had no civil rights when the hit team arrived.

    AROD has paid the ultimate price short of death in this reality show supposedly called Land of The Free.

    To hell with FREE WILLIE and FREE MANDELA——————–“FREE AROD” should be the rally cry of the Slabbed Nation as he is still being persecuted and held captive —-again to silence him.

  7. Perhaps, just perhaps the can of worms has either tipped over or they putto many worms in one can and now some of them have been found by those who question the legality of those in power. If Judge Duval and his assistants could have only read 33 CFR 208.10 and that it was the guide to Local Flood Control Projects by the Assistant Secretary of the Army since 1963 and that it does not mention the Flood Control Act of 1928. Perhaps what they have gotten away with so far will come to the surface as Ashton has tried so hard to do.

    Remember they still do not monitor the channels involved in this project & erosion is still taking place. When the next “failure” will take place no one knows, but without monitoring & repair fail it will,

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