11 thoughts on “just a Thanksgiving thought – USA Letten and the corrupt turkeys of Jefferson Parish”

  1. I just had to, Unslabbed. Despite all the frustration with Letten expressed in comments here, I think it only fair to consider the incredible number of wrong-doers he’s faced with – all of whom, or so it appears, are ready to “flip” on a bigger turkey!

    In his position, I’m not certain I’d know where to start – but the idea he’d spend time and resources on Ashton does make me wonder about his intentions.

  2. Did you hear the one about the guy who approached a real “babe” in a singles bar, only to be rebuffed with “Turkey!”. To which our man replied, “Gobble, gobble!” Ashton O’Dwyer. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Nowdy you are giving Lettenemgo WAY to much credit. He couldn’t find blind turkeys if he could see clearly. He is blinded by his years to retirement and a cushy job at one of the big firms. He’s a pretender: always was, always will be. A wannabe FBI agent since law school who couldn’t get in with them so he went the other route: who you know not what you know. He is, was and always will be a dufus suck-up wannabe. Yech. What a loser. Scared of his own shadow. Likes to play Elliot Ness but everyone who knows him knows he jumps at his own shadow. Can’t really call him a bully he is such a wuss. Sad silly little man. How embarrassing. Thinks as long as it appears he is somebody that he is somebody. The hard truth is he is still a nobody and owes his livelihood to the real powerbrokers. What a foolish buffoon.

  4. unslabbed, and if Mr. Lettenemgo actually does let them go (the lawbreakers of Jefferson Parish…Coulon, Broussard, Whitmer, Wilkinson, and their many minions), Letten will be exposed for the failure he is..and, of course, then we will know for sure he is in with the Jefferson Parish gang and the FIX IS IN…

  5. I am glad that Letten’s true colors are clear enough to reduce the number of “GO JIM LETTEN” who sings his praises, like I used to also do. He is harmfully deceitful.

  6. Great Cartoon! I sent all the proof of malfeasence on the LP&VHPP from official documents of the various government entities to arrest folk for maleasence then and now and no action taken.

    There are 2 important letters written proving that 33 CFR 208.10 was either not known of or ignored. One in 1970 and another in 1988 concerning pump stations and project channel monitoring. Of course we have the annual project inspections by the COE from 1994 to 2004 that show just how well the project was inspected and cited deficiencies. Nothing prior to that time frame was made available for some reason.

    All is available on varios DA web sites including the ER’s and EM’s that are required to be used for this project but used hit or miss at best for construction, operation and maintenance.

    Of course not much was said about the alomst 17% raises for these same engineers last year to keep on messing up. Fixing what was done wrong in the past? Closing the MRGO was a mistake, but so was dredging the channel to full depth when the vessel passage was limited to the depth of the existing IHNC lock!! That giant new wall if constructed nearer to the Gulf with closure gate for channels would do so much more to protect not only New Orleans, bur also most of the east bank towns along the Mississippi River.

    But this is all show and tell, something we can all see to impress us! What is not seen is the still eroding banks of the outfall channels that still go un-monitored and when we have another failure no one knows, but the erosion still soes on. Do you ever wonder why the old interior channels are concrete lined but the new portion of the channel near the lake isn’t?

    Ever wonder why they have to raise the levee crowns to meet ER & EM requirements that were in existance in 1985 & 1994 but never followed? Ever wonder why they used old vertical control instead of the latest for this project? Now they are using the latest available, as it should have been.

    Ever wonder why the civilian engineers got an almost 17% raise last year to stay with the COE? Do you realize that to be an engineer for the COE you do not have to be registered, but they encourage registration if you are to move up in grade? Do you realize this state as almost all do grants civilian engineers immunity from the cannons of practicing engineers while they work for the federal government? The state board has many sitting COE members sitting on that board keeping that exception in place. If they were removed from that immunity they would have to follow engineering state practices as all other engineering firms are so required.

    Just be sure of who you have faith in, including the COE & Mr Letten!!!! So far your home is dry, but the snake is still in the grass waiting to erode enough bank to cause more failures!!!!

  7. Nowdy, this one picture is easily worth a thousand words.Who said corrupt political turkeys don’t know how to avoid Letten’s axe. We could have a repeat of the type of corruption that occurred under DA Garrison’s watch ( asst. DA Gurvis has been portaited in many books to have sold prosecutions)where lower asst. U.S. Attorneys are also a problem.”Our business is politcal trash but its picking up.”

  8. And speaking of that turkey-faced cow Piggy Barton…WHY is she still in the Parish Attorney’s Office ? Well it just so happens that others are asking that very same question, as you may, after reading excerpts from both this Rainey post and a T-P Editorial today, and I quote:

    “Jefferson Parish to reassess grass-cutting contract
    Published: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 3:56 PM Updated: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 5:05 PM
    Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune

    …However, as that contract approached its initial June 18, 2009, expiration date, the administration switched the hiring process from accepting the cheapest qualified bid to assigning a committee to evaluate proposals from all interested companies. The new process didn’t restrict the council to the cheapest bidder. Interim Parish Attorney Peggy Barton said the switch occurred at the request of Tim Whitmer when he served as chief administrative officer to Parish President Aaron Broussard. Barton said she had no explanation for the decision.

    …Barton said the committee made no recommendation to the council, whose seven members have ultimate say about whom to hire among the qualified companies. Ramelli said he and the administration reached a better total price through negotiations.”


    And this echo from a blogger to the Editorial:

    “waypastenough November 27, 2010 at 10:59AM

    The question is: what is Peggy Barton still doing in the Parish Attorney’s Office ? Of couse she knows how this came about, she aided and abetted her now-resigned boss, then Parish Attorney, Tom Wilkinson, in faciltating this corrupt practice that resulted in Romelli being awarded the contract ! Not until Young fires Barton will he gain any credibility as a reformer. And that goes for his removing the rest of the Wilkinson posse, some of whom are not ‘electors’ as required by the Parish charter and are unlawfully employed, and that is paroll fraud, pure and simple. And it is payroll fraud that Barton is and was part of as it concerns the para-legal corruption re Karin Broussard, Thomassie, Trahan and others. It would appear that Young himself has joined this continuing conspiracy by not firing all that are involved including Deano Bonano !”

    Am I to understand that Barton is putting the 7-0 voting Council Clowns, including her new boss, Connick’s punk and former at-large clown, under the ‘proverbial’ bus. What the hell does she mean the Committee made no recommendations…I guess those scratched up tally sheets are just toilet paper to be put in the Council Chambers’ bathroom before they vote…right ? And we’re suppose to believe Barton’s account of what happened… a cover-up story between her and Wilkinson to continue the conspiracy of his and Whitmer’s corrupt dealings that this kneebender Barton was most probably aware of in the first place !

    It is reasonable to believe that Barton is very familiar with the RFP process that her corrupt former boss, whom she worked under for 14 YEARS, Tom Wilkinson, who was ever ready to facilitate for and with his partner in crime, Whitmer, any deal to have their cronies obtain Parish contracts.

    Think RIVER BIRCH ! Young needs to have Barton hauled away ASAP.

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