So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten…..

So it is only natural for folks to then speculate who Mr Meffert is giving up in order to save his wife’s skin and insure the boys have a parent at home.  (Like Dambala we salute Mr Meffert for manning up)

So who did Meffert have the goods on to get his deal?  The answer comes courtesy of the Skid Row bum at Lafayette Square so everyone should consider the source (I wish I had last Sunday). I’ve embedded the picture of the perpetrator below the fold.

I’ll hold further details so as not to risk hindering the ongoing federal investigation.


18 thoughts on “So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten…..”

  1. Great photo of Aaron as Jim Letten explains to him how long he’ll be in prison. Oh, and Aaron, like Vince Marinello, you can’t bring the rug. I know, it’ll be ok, just stop crying like a little bitch. There will be plenty of time for you to become one!

  2. You know what would be interesting? (well, to me anyway).

    Saying, “Muppet, we already got the goods on you, Nagin and Boyd & Co. No, no, no, no, you’re going to have to go the extra mile for us, we need someone new, someone special.”

    This goes across Parish lines. More than two Parishes.

    It’s a Pinzer movement.

  3. You got it Telemachus! The first grand unifier was Hippo Katz but he died. I was told Hippo could have given Team Letten everyone going back to Marc Morial.

    If Letten can get a good round robin going he could roll up most of the crooks in government in Louisiana’s 2 largest parishes.

    Remember folks, the first to spill their guts get the best deal.


  4. I repeat:

    I was just ruminating about the decidedly conspicuous absence of Paul Connick, Lawrence Chehardy and Newell Normand during these less than halcyon days in Jefferson Parish. Think they feel the earth shifting? I cannot find one Councilmember or top Administrator (temp Hollis excepted) without blood on their hands. Therefor I pose the question : if everyone goes down a la Houston Texas back in the day, who takes over? If there is no Prez no Council no Clerk no DA no Sheriff because they are all indicted? Wow. What a thought. Maybe that

  5. The past few days have caused “mixed emotions”. While I am, personally, “glad” that things seem to be happening on the Jefferson Parish front, I am a bit perplexed over why I do not hear “Nay-Goon’s” name mentioned: not in the Meffert or St. Pierre indictments, not in the Meffert plea agreement, not in the “Lame Stream Media” as they report the Meffert guilty plea, and not elsewhere, directly. Letten’s (SPIT!) boss, Eric Holder (a criminal in his own right – remember the Mark Rich pardon? Remember the …? Remember the …?), never met a Negro Democrat he didn’t like. The Orleans Parish Negros Letten (SPIT!) has gone after (Oliver Thomas, Pampy Barre, Elenese Brooks-Sims) have all been “offshoots” of the Jefferson prosecution, which was a Virginia case. Doesn’t ANYONE wonder why Jefferson has not served a day in jail? Shouldn’t we ask the Attorney General, Eric Holder, Letten’s (SPIT!) boss? Can anyone who contributes to SLABBED give me any assurance that the Meffert guilty plea will not end with St. Pierre, or Broussard (if it goes in Broussard’s direction at all)? Thanks for “making” my weekend. Ashton O’Dwyer. P.S. I’ve served more time in jail than Bill Jefferson or Meffert, and it was all (34 days) in solitary confinement. AROD.

  6. Guys, Nagin broke the law per Meffert, it’s not even a question of “if”. He accepted a trip to Hawaii, Jamaica, Chicago, and I believe Las Vegas on city contractor’s dimes….he already admitted it under oath. St. Pierre also paid for renovations to both Meffert’s and Nagin’s houses.

    But…but…I think Letten and crew are actually after him on another matter. Let’s not forget the Home Depot/Stone Age deal. I have speculated often that Fradella and HSOA were supplying Stone Age with product, per a subsidiary company, Cornerstone Marble and Granite. There was a rumor that Nagin did in fact receive a target letter in regards to Stone Age. There was a two week period last year where Nagin appeared before a grand jury 3 times. I believe (not sure) it was in regards to Stone Age.

    Also….I got a tip that somehow C Richmond may be involved in the Home Depot/Stone Age deal as well. Not sure how that could be, but I think we’ll find out soon enough.

  7. Thank you, Dambala. I will just “chill”. I am in awe of your revelations on “American Zombie”, so like SOP’s revelations, I know yours have “legs”. I only have two comments: (1) My personal experiences since 8/29/05 have made me very cynical about what the Public can expect from “law enforcement”. (2) The Hawaii and Chicago trips are already PRESCRIBED (5-years), and Jamaica will prescribe this month. Failure to report these trips as income has been prosecutable for years. Lying to the FBI (“I don’t recall; it’s all a haze”) has been prosecutable for years, ASSUMING that the Federal Bureau of Constipation has even bothered to interview “Nag-oon”, which I doubt very seriously (ask Eric Holder if he’s authorized an interview). Call me “grateful” for your insight, but “cynical”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  8. Sop, I am going to draw for the Slabbed Nation a crooked arrow:

    >>>>—Pappy Barre___ ___Tim Whitmer—>
    Lagasse’s Barry Bordelon

    Different Steakhouse……….different Parish……….same GretnaMentality

    Corruption has no color or political boundaries…it’s all about the money !

  9. The part that is so amusing is Jefferson Parish politicians are doing business in Orleans, St. Tammany, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist, Ascension, Tangipahoa, St. Charles, St. Bernard, etc and in return those parish politicians are doing business in Jefferson. Its not a republican/democratic/white/black thing although some would like the people to think that. Its all interwoven. The older white community of Jefferson Parish has been hoodwinked into thinking the only problem is with the african american democrats of Orleans Parish when in fact you have more white republicans from other parishes who are involved in the corruption than african american democrats. People don’t want to believe that but it is true.

  10. “The older white community of Jefferson Parish has been hoodwinked into thinking the only problem is with the african american democrats of Orleans Parish when in fact you have more white republicans from other parishes who are involved in the corruption than african american democrats. People don

  11. Paullette Irons to her credit also teed up the non-profit transparency law that was shot down by jay Dardenne.

    And etc.

  12. Dambala

    If I didn’t know better I would think you were refering to someone on Airline Highway or is it Dr

  13. He’s one, but not the only one. Does anyone know how many JP councilpersons have a vested interest in truck stop casinos or video poker? I know Lee-Sheng is one.

  14. Aaron Broussard, Greg Meffert, Ray Nagin, Eddie Price, John Mamoulides, RTA – watch how this all plays out………There is a common thread. As one of the posters noted, greed and avarice are colorblind and do not know geographical limitations. Wake up people. If anything is to be taken from the recent elections, the populace is pissed with do-nothing, corrupt, double-dealing, bickering scumbags who cloak themselves as a “new wave” of politicians.

  15. I am angry…thanks for your post. Especially the last few sentences: “Wake up people. If anything is to be taken from the recent elections, the populace is pissed with do nothing, corrupt, double – dealing, bickering scumbags who cloak themselves as a “new wave” of politicans..”

    Why you PERFECTLY described my respective Jefferson Parish District Councilman .

    Only I wouldn’t call that Council person as “new wave”..but rather more akin to yesterday’s shrimp shells which have been sitting out in the sun too long…the adjective ‘stinky’ comes to mind..

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