In this edition of Magnum JD: Hubada hubada hubada, Stormy Daniels welcome back to Slabbed Part 1. The summons

Folks in the annals of our short history here at Slabbed never has there been official paperwork that has been this hard to cum by as the paperwork we are presenting in this post. The long and short of it is it appears Magnum has come to blows with his neighbors so to speak, over certain extracurricular activities that occurred late at night in his backyard on a hot and steamy late summer night.

I’ll add that one of our legal observers that has practiced in municipal court says this:

This record is out of the ordinary. If no arrest report is written (apparently here because Magnum was not arrested), the gist of the offense is usually written on the back of the affidavit.

Now certainly a guy who hosts political fundraisers virtually every night for luminaries like Billy Nungesser and Bobby Jindal would never receive preferential treatment from the authorities after being caught with his pants down huh? I thought so.

In part 2 we give the gory details but first the Municipal court paperwork:

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11 thoughts on “In this edition of Magnum JD: Hubada hubada hubada, Stormy Daniels welcome back to Slabbed Part 1. The summons”

  1. He lives at 4717 St. Charles?,%20LA,%2070072%22%2B5mi%5D%5Blisting%20type:for%20sale%5D%5Bprice:174900..%5D&orderby=price(float%20USD)&sortorder=ascending&item=10068451072337233564

    “4717 St Charles Ave – Grandest home on St Charles Avenue. This impressive Richarsonian Romanesque Revival mansion is by far the most home in New Orleans. Made with the finest of materials.”

    $$$$$$ 6 MILLION. Nice.

    This guy’s a real hot head.

    How did this not land in the police reports in the paper?

    1. He does indeed live at 4717 St Charles Ave.

      This topic has been circulating around the local legal community for at least 3 weeks. We had runners at several law firms strike out on getting the info from the Muni Court folks before we were able to come by these docs.

      Since Magnum was arrested he has hosted several high profile fundraisers including one for Mayor Mitch last week.

      A reader with a twisted mind like mine naturally wondered what fund raiser he held on 8-12.


  2. If Mayor Landrieu had a fundraiser at this guy’s mansion, wouldn’t the City Attorney have to recuse himself from prosecuting this case? My guess is that the La. Atty. Gen. would have to assume the prosecution. Maybe some of you legal eagles can ponder this. And whilst you’re pondering, listen to these smooth sounds:

  3. SOP, you are the man! Thanks for the “blow by blow” on this developing story. I hope that this story will not “blow over.” I am sure that this will “blow up” in Magnum’s face. Will all of the judge’s and other pols in metro NOLA be blowing Magnum now? Hmmmmmm. Inquiring minds would like to know. I, for one, if I was a judicial candidate or pol would not be “blown away” by such a blowhard.

  4. What the hell are you people talking about ? This man or any other man is entitled to have a blow job on any piece of HIS property or have a piece in any part of his property !

    WTF Ashton, why haven’t we heard from you concerning what this person or any other person has a right to do on his property on St. Charles Avenue ?

    Cum’on people it a blow job…remember ?… I for one am not particular about my surroundings when presented with the advent of nirvana and NOR SHOULD any peeping Tom pervert neighbor !

    Hell has no fury as is a man denied being suckered…

  5. Ok Folks I spoke with the neighbors, who could not have been nicer to me. First, this does not involve Stormy Daniels. The noise was evidently terrible and the police were called 3 times before they cited him. And evidently the party was pretty wild.

    Magnum has since made amends with his neighbors but the police summons can’t be undone. Court is on the 16th and all the details will come out.

    I’ll correct the implications of this post in part 2.


  6. Get your dirt straight… There was no girl and no b.j… First of all Stormy Daniels is a porn star that is still in the adult industry or “sex industry”. However, unless Vivid entertainment is handing over a large contract for bj’s on St.Charles Ave., Stormy Daniels isn’t blowing…. Secondly, the other Stormy has done some rather risqu

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