Useful Idiots: Another take on the Sheeple phenomenon.

Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge put up a great guest post today from Giordano Bruno at the Neithercorp Press. I do not recommend clicking the link to Neithercorp Press due to the ad trap which awaits the reader on the other end but the post itself is fantastic. Here is an excerpt:

…..the most “successful” are those that follow the establishment guidelines and play on them as if they might dare break the barrier of lies, but they never do. In Medieval times, even the most blood thirsty king would allow the court jester to make jokes at his expense. Why? Because the jester was an inconsequential figure, a powerless and non-threatening being. A jester can verbally thrash a tyrant, but nothing ever really changes, because deep down, though they make us laugh, nobody really cares what clowns have to say. Now imagine a whole subsection of our country emulating this dynamic. Imagine all these people deluding themselves into thinking that being a slave isn’t all that bad, as long as you’re the funny slave.

I swear I think a certain lawyer that comments here on occasion may have a pen name. 😉

Point of disclosure: Zero Hedge has been generally very critical of Team Obama’s handling of the economy and rightfully so IMHO.
