YOUNG ALERT!!!! If you destroy the pubic record we’ll break your leg capice?

We just got this from the Prez himself.   :mrgreen:

Further, due to the ever expanding investigations by State and Federal authorities into various governmental and private practices involving the Parish of Jefferson the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana has requested that the Parish suspend its normal Retention Schedule/Disposal practices…

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One thought on “YOUNG ALERT!!!! If you destroy the pubic record we’ll break your leg capice?”

  1. ” Our business is political trash but its picking up”.We’re still cleaning up the stinky political corruption of the buried documents whistleblower Lonny Robinson revealed to the Citizens for Good Government, who in turn revealed at several Council meetings with no attention or investigations done afterwards. Are you kidding me———-Is this going to be taken seriously or is it all a big BS show. If you’re serious about your memo Prez Young how about investigating the crime of burying Parish documents revealed by still persecuted employee, Lonny Robinson.Only then we will start believing you are the real deal.

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