Monday Music: Dedicated to Jim Donelon, Mike Chaney, Scott Richardson and the Bermudan reinsurers who love them.


2 thoughts on “Monday Music: Dedicated to Jim Donelon, Mike Chaney, Scott Richardson and the Bermudan reinsurers who love them.”

  1. If there is a hell in the afterlife..may “DO NOTHING DONELON” find it…and may he stay there. Because that is what he has put the residents of Louisiana through who have to buy insurance ..pure hell.

    Burn “DO NOTHING” Burn…SLOWLY..

  2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooowwwwwwweeeee How about the Times-Picyournose writers getting on top of the Slabbed Nation’s expose on Tribune Herald story by Paige St.John ;and publicizing and explaining why previous Orleanians can’t move back because the insurance premiums have been artifically jacked up by offshore, wall street influenced reinsurers who pay no taxes. Just what international group of rapist pirates own these Bermuda reinsurers?OOOOOOOOOOOOooooowwwwwwwwweeeeeeee

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