Joe Cao takes the offensive. Dambala’s explosive allegations make the cross over in a big way.

Dambala aka Jason at the American Zombie has done some exhaustive work into the relationship with current LA 2nd Congressional district hopeful Cedric Richmond and a non-profit, NOCA, that Damabala says was looted by Richmond and friends Bill Jefferson style. We’ve highlighted that work and wondered for several weeks why Jason’s reporting never made the cross over to the mass media from the blogosphere.  Well, we wonder no more because it finally did with a story by Michelle Krupa and Frank Donze in today’s Times Picayune.

Our money remains on Jason and I doubt we’ve heard the last of this.


7 thoughts on “Joe Cao takes the offensive. Dambala’s explosive allegations make the cross over in a big way.”

  1. Hatchet job by the Times Picayune on this. I’ll take the work tht WWL-TV’s investigative reporters and American Zombie over the hatchet job the Picayune did on American Zombie.

  2. I almost vomited when our President allowed a political ad to run in support Richmond over Cao.

    Richmond and his association including non profits with Ike and his missing wife (former non resident Judge) cast a shadow of doubt on his candidacy. Therefore, next candidate please step forward. Why take the chance that we shame ourselves, again?


  3. Yeah, the article cast doubt on the veracity of Zombie’s claims. Once again, a poorly written article by the TP. Hey, how about you lazy asses at the TP get off your journalistic duff and do some investigative reporting of your own to see if Zombie has all of his facts right. Otherwise, as inferred by Bayou, we will be doomed to repeat our mistakes…..

    1. Jason has addressed the assertions in the T-P story on AZ today. I do not have a problem with his non disclosure of Dixon in his narrative and in support of that I’ll add we’ve made that same deal here on Slabbed at least once in order to get information for a post on the investigation in Jefferson Parish.

      If you do this blogging thing at a high enough level for enough time you run across all sorts of scenerios that do make one appreciate the challenges in getting the story while maintaining as much independence as possible.

      I don’t think the T-P necessarily did Dambala dirty today but I also don’t think they added much to the refute any of the allegations Dambala has levied against Richmond save the Rolex watch. I’ll add my money is with Dambala to get to the bottom of the Rolex deal.

      The T-P had a chance to advance this story and help root out the left over trash that did everything they could to make NOLA a third world arm pit. Instead they chip in with the Perp.

      In Jefferson Parish we’ve been there and done that already. It is a damn shame IMHO.


  4. Don’t forget that Gambit ( Dubois) allegedly has the Rolex info and didn’t release it because he ( Dubois) is rumored to be helping run Richmond’s campaign. AND the store where the watch was purchased also allegedly has the info and isn’t releasing.
    All rumors, innuendos and allegations the above, but all it will take from those referenced is a written statement that they do not have the info. Or if they do , why they are not releasing. Clancy?

  5. I’m absolutely APPALLED !!! Just beginning to read the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s report on the Jefferson Parish scandals involving payroll fraud and Whitmer’s double-dealing insurance scams, I see that:

    CEDRIC RICHMOND is a member of the Legislative oversight committee !!!

    God help us because the amoral SOBs that are elected to represent us up in Baton Rouge have ABANDONED us…

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