8 thoughts on “Impression of Porteus Impeachment Trial”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeee Nowdy, music selection: PRICELESS!!!!Wonder if defense attorney Turdley was at that concert ?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. Regarding Mr. Plattsmier:

    I finally consulted with a medical expert who specialozes in intestinal disorders. I fully discussed the various issues discussed herein regarding Chuck’s refusal to take action after reading all of the Porteous testimony

    He suggested two possible reasons:

    First Chuck may have a case of terminal constipation: alternatively he may have unfortunately had 6″ of his lower intestine removed. Both are possible explinations as some of you have suggested he just will not get off of his ass.

    This leads me to give more credibility to the alternative diagnosis.

    Chuck may be afraid to stand uo and do something because he is afraid he will soil himself!

    However, one could argue he has already soiled himself due his inaction.

    This brings me back to the first possibility which could easily be cured by his resignation due to medical issues.

    Yes Chuck you are so full of shit you cannot do your job.

  3. “Judge Thomas Porteous and the ‘Devil’s Den” from Whence He Came”

    “There is massive, inherent legal corruption in the judicial system, taking place in Louisiana, in what I call the “Devil’s Den.”

    “. . .even after exposure of irrefutable facts and truths at Porteous’ impeachment trial, scandalous behavior will continue because Porteous is not the only problem –just the most conspicuous culprit. . .”

    “. . .the courts of Louisiana serve the purpose of unfair enrichment, at the disadvantage of some people; and for certain politically-connected people, the courts serve as an avenue to ‘the good life’. Additionally, anyone who hinders Louisiana ‘good life’ pursuits becomes subjected to the vilest treatment by jurists who disguise themselves as upholders and enforcers of laws.” *more @ http://newsblaze.com/story/20100922041842lawg.nb/topstory.html

  4. Lawgrace: Your composition and elocution are excellent, but you’re speaking eliptically and not communicating. Please permit me to name names at 500 Poydras Street, who make the “bottom-feeder” pitiful excuse for a human being, much less a Federal Judge, PORTEOUS, look like an altar boy: (1) Stanwood Duval (SPIT!); (2) Lance Africk (SPIT!); and (3) Ivan Lemelle (BARF!). Let me explain. DUVAL: While Porteous was being wined and dined at Johnnie’s Po-Boys in Gretna, and having an all expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas, complete with “lap-dances” (including at least one for his son – can you beat that? What kind of Dad has his “scum-bag” friends treat his son to a “lap-dance”?), Duval was going to places like the Island of Nantucket, Tuscaloosa, Alabama and San Francisco. Nantucket was never disclosed to the Federal Government on Financial Report Forms or to the litigants in the “Victims of KATRINA” litigation. Tuscaloosa (in November 2005!) was never disclosed to the litigants, and was only disclosed to the Government on Duval’s 2007 Form, a full 2-years late. Then the trip was reported to have a value of $4,000 but that “value” has since been deleted from the form. Also, it was not clear from the “value” as first reported whether that included the “value” for Duval’s wife and law clerk to go to Tuscaloosa, or for his “other” law clerk at the time, Caroline Fayard, the daughter of plaintiffs’ lawyer Calvin Fayard, who paid for the trip. In a recent “Order” which summarily dismissed Complaints of Judicial Misconduct against Duval, Fifth Circuit Chief Judge Edith Jones “dissed” the Nantucket trip by saying, “Judge Duval paid his own travel expenses.” This completely begs the question, since that statement does not address who paid travel expenses for Duval’s wife-to-be, ground transportation on Nantucket for several days, accomodations, meals and entertainment. These are “easy” examples of potential misconduct which Judge Jones and the Fifth Circuit Judicial Council summarily dismissed, which forcusing on “car repairs” and “shrimp” and a bottle or two of Absolute in the “G.T. Ortous” case in which they recommended a written reprimand and a suspension for 2 years (they even extended his pay at taxpayers’ expense until 12/31/10). AFRICK: I told this crooked son-of-a-bitch that the proposed settlement with the Levee Boards for a paltry $20 million (in round numbers) was a corrupt and fraudulent proposal. For my efforts, I was EXCLUDED from the negotiations, and instead of Africk’s (SPIT!) seriously investigating my allegations (which are supported by irrefutable extrinsic evidence), he conducted negotiations for over a year, following which he recommended the settlement to Duval (SPIT!). The dumb son-of-a-bitch either didn’t know he was being “used” by Duval and Duval’s cronies, including Calvin Fayard, or he too is a CROOK. LEMELLE: This pitiful creature is where he is today ONLY by virtue of his skin color. If anyone wants to “locate” Lemelle’s “moral compass” he need look no further than “In Re High Sulphur Content Gasoline Products Liability Litigation Case”, Case Number 07-30384, decided by the Fifth Circuit on February 4, 2008, just a few short days after Duval (SPIT!) screwed @ 500,000 people who lived West of the Industrial Canal in “The Outfall Canal Case”. What is remarkable is that Fifth Circuit Chief Judge Jones was on the Panel in Lemelle’s case, and that she hasn’t done ANYTHING to discipline him for gross misconduct (if not outright CRIMINAL behavior) which is obvious from the Opinion. SO: Porteous is only the tip of the iceberg. I haven’t revealed EVERYTHING I have on Duval, Africk and Lemelle. But what I have revealed should get people thinking, and talking and ACTING. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT SACRED COWS JUST BECAUSE THEY WEAR BLACK ROBES. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  5. That’s it Ashton…the color of the robe ! So instead of having white robed red-necks intimidating and assaulting black folk…we have BLACK ROBED FASCISTS bringing down their power to insure that our constitutional rights are inconsequential to their need to protect their own.

    JUDICIAL TYRANNY !… It’s just that simple…JUDICIAL TYRANNY !

    Chie de poulet c’est ce qu’ils sont…un tas de merdes putain de poulet…

  6. Thank you Ashton for any information you are willing to contribute. But you must remember, I cannot print what I cannot prove –even though I have good reasons to believe certain things are true. I don’t know what occurred concerning Nantucket or those other places. And I do know why I feel certain that Jones is deceitful, and Africk is underhanded, and some other things.

    But I cannot let on all that I know –merely for show & tell purposes. When the best and safest opportunity comes I hope to nail the responsible people. I would not want them to have ‘heads up’ data so they can whitewash things. I also think they get allies to challenge us bloggers to make us spill our beans sometimes, so that they will have a idea what needs concealing; so will tip our hand. There is a little method to my madness.

    What I really hope and would like to see is less talking among ourselves, and more dissemination of articles and facts where it will reach the people with authority to something about the corrupt and harmful ‘Louisiana way’. How about it, SLABBED audience, if stories like mine are helpful, will you tweet it / circulate in the blogosphere?

    As stated in my piece, this seems like our best chance for judicial reform –while Congress has Louisiana in its consideration. Hopefully something will get them to look past Porteous to the whole judiciary. But keep sharing Ashton, just don’t share stuff they can whitewash. 🙂

  7. Kudos to you lawgrace…your persistent and focused attention to the “meat” of the matter has been an inspiration to me personally. I, like others here at the SlabbedNation, offer to join and support you in your quest to right what is wrong…Amen and Amen.

  8. Bank of America Delays Foreclosures in 23 States (including Louisiana) from ABCnews.go

    >>relevant & provable facts about these Louisiana judges and lawyers:

    ?In Louisiana, two particular companies that benefit from fraudulent foreclosures are Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac; predatory foreclosure mill lawyers include the Dean Morris Law Firm, Herschel C. Adcock, Jr., and Brett P. Furr; Atty. William M. Detweiler also helped out; and judges who have purposefully abetted fraudulent foreclosures include Federal Judge Lance Africk, Federal Judge Kurt Engelhardt, Federal Judge A.J. McNamara, bankruptcy Judge Douglass Dodd,and Orleans Parish Judge Lloyd J. Medley. **more @ http://www.lawgrace.org/2010/09/30/important-facts-about-foreclosure-and-mortgage-fraud/

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