About the reach of the new media….

I had to laugh last night when I saw BP’s involvement in the early release of the Lockerbie Bomber was being rehashed in the news.  Rehashed? You betcha as Bam Bam Bigelow covered this exact topic for Slabbed almost one year ago.  And what of the dying Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed al-Megrahi? Seems going home has done wonders for his health.

Covering such topics before they become “news” also may explain why we get more unique visits per week here at Slabbed than every Mississippi weekly paper except a few. Our circulation is a bit more well heeled to boot.

We thank you for being in that number.


3 thoughts on “About the reach of the new media….”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOwweeee No, we kindly thank you and Nowdy for making this new weapon of blogging the truth possible. The powerful political forces that be in Jefferson Parish and also nationwide have pretty much a strangle hold on the newspapers and TV news, except Fox News.But the SlabbedNation is alive and well due to Our Lord taking the bad situations of Katrina and leading you and Nowdy to start a new revelation of the Truth here at Slabbed. As we Hope and Pray the U.S.Attorney’s Office will soon cause to bring down the “House of Cards” in Jeferson and in Mississippi; we also Pray for your continued success here at Slabbed. Keep up the good work, you’ll are making a difference in our area.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. Not to take anything away from reporting the “quid pro quo” which BP exacted from Libya in exchange for lobbying Scotland (ie. Great Britian) to release that murderous, terrorist, raghead, camel jockey, but the REAL story is how the American Public was lied to by the “Muslim-in-the-White House”, Obummer, who recently feigned to have been “surprised, disappointed and angry” over his fellow raghead’s release, when his own Administration was “in” on it, all as reported by “The Sunday Times” in London, but still being “spun” as a story because Obummer and his “people” have not released all of the documentation. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. Sop, I know you and I have discussed the impact of ‘new media’ with reference to Dambala’s article, Pirates Parlay, that was posted on his blog American Zombie June 2, 2010; and you have previously linked the same.

    It is a MUST read for all of the SlabbedNation.

    Blogs such as Slabbed and American Zombie have empowered us with a cultural advantage over the ‘main-brain’ establishment press, big business and certainly the parochial politicos. So take advantage of your free speech and write the wrongs !

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