Slabbed keeps it's finger on the public pulse in Jefferson Parish. Lets review some Youtube vids of public comments on the SLAPP suit from today's Parish Council meeting. UPDATED 2X

Well Mr Theriot, it can never be said you were not given a chance. Your reputation is going down in flames along with every other member of the Parish Council. So while you guys and girls were enjoying the mess you made today at the Parish Council we’ve gotten offers of free legal help from members of the bar here in Mississippi to go along with the ones we’ve received from our friends in Louisiana. Someone even took it upon themselves to send email to the good people at public justice who does great work in this area.

Elsewhere our friend Alan Lange at Yallpolitics in Jackson has sounded the alarm along with someone on former radio show host Dan Carlin’s website. We shattered our previous page view record for one day yesterday and are on pace to shatter that record today. Even better people are going back over all the old posts we’ve done on the federal investigation to date. For a blogger it just doesn’t get much better.

Speaking of bloggers there is a special kind called Vloggers and it looks like our own Unslabbed is an aspiring one as these public access vid captured from today’s meeting are already up on the internet. I’m told more are coming and I’ll embed them as they are uploaded. Here is the first, 2 public comments that address the lawsuit head on:


And Margie Seemans (you go girl):


And now Margaret Baird:


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