From the revolving door files I offer Leon C Buck Jr., former aide to Representative Sheila Jackson Lee. Welcome to Slabbed Leon.

One thing me and my main man Sam at the National Underwriter agree on is the need to put an end to the revolving door but it won’t happen before Leon Buck passes through.  Buck, a former aide to Houston Texas based US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has gone to work for the dark side at the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America. This from his old e-mail account at the US House:

As of Friday, April 2 I will no longer be in the office of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. My new contact information will be as follows:

Leon C. Buck, Jr.
Assistant Vice President
Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
444 North Capitol Street
Suite 801
Washington, DC. 20001

We’ve written a good bit abut the revolving door including former Bush lackey, Marc Racicot, who was curbed by the AIA after the Bushies vacated DC. Normally the revolving door spins fastest between administrations but in Leon’s case obviously help was needed with that PR counter attack Sam Friedman wrote on back in February.

Hope you enjoy the blood money Leon. Maybe one day you’ll learn to make an honest living actually helping the people in Houston, instead of helping large multinational companies hose them over.
