Did I hear someone say they wanted to read Aaron Broussard’s depo in the pumps lawsuit?

Well then you’ve come to the right place.  I have read it and will update later with some analysis but I enjoyed researching the man behind this post about as much as I enjoyed reading the depo. (Yeah I know I’m weird that way). I won’t go into the specifics as Jefferson Parish residents well know the gory details but AB’s wiki entry is very enlightening as to the whoppers he told the national media after Katrina. Is it possible Mr Broussard does not know how to tell the truth? Frankly reading AB’s depo reminded me of the testimony of State Farm’s CEO Ed Rust in Watkins, a case out of Oklahoma City where the Farm screwed their policyholders after an F-5 tornado plowed through town. It took those poor souls 7 years to get State Farm to pay up. By comparison the developments with AB are moving at light speed.

Am I the only one that thinks Mr Broussard has a long lost relative in John Banner of Hogan’s Heroes fame? Below the fold I’ve embedded pictures of Mssrs. Banner and Broussard so our audience can decide for themselves.

Aaron Broussard
John Banner in his role as Sgt. Schultz

Speaking of which I did manage to find a youtube video that provides an excellent synpoysis of Mr Broussard’s testimony so we’ll visit it next as it is well worth the watch.


Ok, now that we have set things up, for your reading enjoyment here is the depo courtesy of Scribd:

[scribd id=27824434 key=key-2a2ciwkjyeljq2ayp2n9 mode=list]

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