For all the out of state readers wondering about Jefferson Parish. Shades of Rossie?

James Gill of the Times Picayune has all the skinny plus takes a few jabs at so called legal experts. Does this remind anyone else of insurance defense attorney David Rossmiller, who let State Farm ghost write his blog with the accompanying savage attacks on the whistleblowers Cori and Kerri Rigsby.  Dave and those who lapped up his line of BS evidently never bothered to find out how much water flooded the McIntosh residence but I’m sure the blood money was good, especially for a firm that has most likely never tried a wind-water case. I wonder if Mr. Barbieri ever heard back from Rossie on that apology to the Rigsby sisters?


One thought on “For all the out of state readers wondering about Jefferson Parish. Shades of Rossie?”

  1. Like so many legal “experts,” Dane Ciolino is willing to take whatever position gets him paid. I would be surprised if this so-called “expert” ever has picked a jury, given an opening statement or closing argument . . . in a real (not mock or moot) courtroom.

    Gill is dead-on to the extent Ciolino is an “ethics” braggart, but then shows up as the mouthpiece for some of the most unethical scum around these parts. If it’s not a conflict of interest, it’s definitely a conflict of morality.

    I don’t dispute Whitmer deserves due process and a competent defense, but maybe he should hire a real criminal defense lawyer with all of his legal insurance commissions and his obnoxious parish salary.

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