Editilla asks What if Hurricane Katrina impacted your city?

FireShot capture #095 - 'New Orleans Ladder' - noladder_blogspot_comSLABBED does love to read the Ladder – and Editilla had a big question and great maps hung on the first rung today.  (thanks Editilla!)

If hanging on the Ladder, a click of the headline will take you to a set of incredible maps showing the impact of a Hurricane Katrina on other cities – Washington, D.C. for example (shown below) – and, if you keep scrolling down, you’ll find the radar map of Katrina making landfall on the Coast and see tornado after tornado on the coast (the ones that didn’t exist to insurance companies).

wdc flood projection



5 thoughts on “Editilla asks What if Hurricane Katrina impacted your city?”

  1. Hey Doucy,
    thanks fo’da hat tip. I would like top point out that the map-maker lifted the data from a FOIR by levees.org to FEMA about levees locations in America.
    We had both been working on how to figure out where the levees were, especially since flood zone designations may change etc.
    I was trying to visualize a map of this sort but don’t know how to mash them up… and frankly haven’t had the time to devote to such a noble effort.
    Viola! And it is no surprise to me that Map Maker Ezra’s faculty adviser at LSU is none other than Dr Ivor Van Heerden.


  2. Thank you for bringing these new maps to the attention of your readers. Levees.org found this information in a FOIA we filed 6 months ago. We finally got the reply. It turns up that 55% of the nation’s population lives in counties protected by levees, not 43% as reported to Congress by the Congressional Hazards Caucus a little over a year ago.

    I would also like to bring to the attention of your readers a 2-minute video about a new book, Catastrophe in the Making. The video describes how the MRGO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) put New Orleans and nearby St. Bernard Parish in harm’s way by allowing salt water intrusion that killed protective cypress forests and buffering wetlands. The book also explains how similar, equally harmful projects are going on in many places including the California Delta and metro St. Louis.


  3. We thank you, Sandy. I knew there was a story so I was careful to leave the credits in the picture. The disaster in New Orleans was largely preventable and the resulting dual disaster is reducing the likelihood for recovery in either the coastal counties/parishes here and there as well as in New Orleans…the world is not waiting for us to catch up. Thanks for all you do to let people know about the “federal flood” that coincided with Hurricane Katina.

  4. Nowdy: I wish you’d interview Sandy Rosenthal and do a “blow-by-blow” follow-up posting describing the intimidation that was directed Sandy’s way by the Corps of Engineers, and the “investigation” of same which had Senator Landrieu’s imprimatur, but without ANY results, being recently “shut down” by the Inspector General. You also might want to ask Sandy what she thinks of the USA’s having secretly entered into the “Joint Defense and Cost-Sharing Agreement” with the State of Louisiana, an arrangement that was only recently revealed to the other litigants during the trial of the Robinson case in the late Spring 2009. This means that the USA is “helping” the State defeat the claims of innocent “Victims of KATRINA” against the State, EVEN IF THE USA HAS IMMUNITY FROM LEGAL LIABILITY. I believe this is REPREHENSIBLE.

  5. Levee Shmevee.

    North Carolina and South Carolina each only have one natural lake. The rest are actually reservoirs. But when all you have is reservoirs, you call everything a lake. So in the Carolinas we have no reservoirs just lakes.

    Lakes with damns ready to break.

    Of course earth quake damage is often compounded by conflagration style fire, so maybe it is really just one big sprinkler system.

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