Sun Herald to the Commish: Honeymoon is Over, Now Get to Work

Today’s editorial on the Mississippi version of a policyholder bill of rights comes from out of the blue and is aimed straight at our new Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney and Lt Governor Phil Bryant.

Our readers wonder why I blame the GOP for the mess on the coast. Besides the obvious, Lt Governor Bryant and his insurance committee chairman Buck Clark killed all such common sense measures last session. IMHO they too deserve credit along with the Commish for the loss of 147 jobs at Future Pipe. The Sun Herald knows the score this time simply editorializing the fact consumer friendly bills all die in the state senate sparing Bryant for now.

IMO the piece is a good hint the honeymoon between Mike Chaney and the Sun Herald is done. Has he done enough so far or should we expect more? Consumers deserve far better.

When Long Beach homeowner Kevin Buckel was denied coverage for Katrina damage to his property, he set out to convince the Legislature to pass a Policyholder Bill of Rights.

During the last two legislative sessions, Buckel’s crusade has made progress in the House of Representatives, but not the state Senate. Perhaps the third time will be the charm.

Reps. Michael Janus, R-Biloxi, and Diane Peranich, D-Pass Christian, became early supporters of Buckel, and drafted legislation that:

• Puts the burden of proof in a civil dispute on an insurance company to show a policy exclusion applies to the loss or damage.

• Sets time limits for insurance companies to pay claims, but allows them additional time after a natural disaster.

• Requires insurance companies to annually file public reports that show the number of claims filed, the number of claims paid, the total dollar amount paid and the number of claims denied.

These and other consumer protections are both reasonable and necessary in the wake of Katrina.

Other states have similar protections for policyholders; so should Mississippi.

A Policyholder Bill of Rights should be a top priority for Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney.

One thought on “Sun Herald to the Commish: Honeymoon is Over, Now Get to Work”

  1. I continue to hold out hope for Chaney, Sop.

    I’m going to link the legislation introduced in 08 and hope readers will make suggestions here, to their Senators and Representatives, and, of course, to Chaney.

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