Brown v. Nutt settled and dismissed

I guess we’ll never know who the opposing counsel was that Ms. Brown was seeing. The parties had a settlement conference on August 11 and the case was settled and dismissed with prejudice as to all parties.

The Court being advised that all parties have an informed understanding of their rights and a full appreciation of the consequences of the settlement, and the Court being desirous that this matter be finally closed on its docket,

IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that this case is hereby dismissed with prejudice as to all parties. If any party fails to comply with the terms of this settlement agreed to by all parties, any aggrieved party may reopen the case for enforcement of the settlement agreement. If successful, all additional
attorneys’ fees and costs from this date shall be awarded such aggrieved party or parties against the party failing to comply with the agreement. The Court specifically retains jurisdiction to enforce the settlement agreement.

The judge definitely did not want to hear anymore about this case!