Hot as hell but a lot more fun – the Neshoba County Fair

It’s a bi-partisan political party held in a hillbilly version of Seaside – seven miles south of Philadelphia, according to the story in today’s Clarion Ledger.

One of the last campground fairs in America, the Neshoba County Fair is one of Mississippi’s most unique and storied cultural events. It features the only licensed racetrack in Mississippi and for 10 days each year the fairgrounds becomes a city with more than 10,000 residents complete with police and fire protection, emergency medical services, water and sewer systems and a program of country, gospel and rock entertainment that draws fans from across the state.

The Fair was entered on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.

For visitors, there is the novelty of the campground fair, but for residents, it is a renewal of a more than century-long tradition of families gathering for fellowship, food and fun.

Founder’s Square is the place to be on Wednesday and Thursday. Insurance Commission Chaney, the Governor and Senator Cochran will be there along with a host of others – including Attorney General Hood, Senator Wicker and Senate candidate Musgrove. Click here for the speaking schedule.

The fair remains the state’s premier political venue, where politicians offer “stump” speeches rather than slick televised commercial ads. It’s a chance for voters to meet and greet candidates and see them in a competitive environment.

After the heat and political hot air, there’s the Choctaw-owned Pearl River gaming resort just down the road – a favorite for those who like to mix their politics with fine dining, gaming or great golf. and fine dining .

Claiming a home in this lush environment are the award-winning, par-72 courses, the Azaleas and the Oaks. Each golf course covers 7,000 yards when playing from the championship tees, and offers five different sets of tees to accommodate every level of play. Combined these two courses encompass more than 700 acres wrapped in over five miles of meandering spring-fed streams and the exquisite setting accentuates the beauty of the course while adding to the difficulty of play. Every hole at Dancing Rabbit is a work of art, featuring A4 Bentgrass greens, along with Zoysia fairways on the Oaks and Bermuda fairways on the Azaleas. Both courses were created by acclaimed golf course designer Tom Fazio and PGA great Jerry Pate. To experience everything Dancing Rabbit Golf Club and Pearl River Resort has to offer check out one of the great golf packages offered at one of Mississippi’s top courses.

Follow those links as I kid you not.

5 thoughts on “Hot as hell but a lot more fun – the Neshoba County Fair”

  1. There is a reason it took YEARS to find even a front-porch whisper of the rumor of information as to the location of those brutally murdered 3 civil rights workers in the 60s. Betta’watch out.

    But I need ya’ll to weigh in Here closer to home:
    Take the lede.
    What do y’all think about the lead attorney in this Corps lawsuit over liability for the Industrial Canal/MRGO in flooding New Orleans now suddenly facing felony election fraud?

    Your fan,
    Ignoramus Law Suitus
    Situs Inversus,

  2. Have any of your read “Providence” by Will Campbell?
    My grand father may have bought and sold that square mile back in the 30s.

    I was so taken with the book and its story of drawing that line upon “Earth” to hence establish “Land”, as to write a song about it. Indeed it informed my thinking about our Spaceship Earth for the next 20 years.
    You can hear’ah it rat her’ah:
    (That is not my real name btw:) (HA!)

    The book also offers a pretty good insight into the Great Spirit behind the resurgence of the Choctaw Nation. My favorite is his description of the Bone Pickers.


  3. Editilla, I’ve not read Will Campbell’s Providence but I promise I will and if I can figure out how I turned the sound off on my computer, I’ll turn it back on and listen to your song. : )

    I just finished Julia Reed’s House on First Street – enjoyed it and learned a lot. Adding Nola Cuisine to our blogroll, in fact, is a tribute of sorts to those who opened their kitchens in the aftermath of Katrina – comfort food indeed.

    I’ve read the article in your first comment – and everything else on the Ladder. Like Sop, I start my day reading the Ladder and end a lot the same way.

    Will do my best to get something up and try and learn enough so that it contributes to the discussion – and hope Sop takes the lead!. (Hint)

  4. Well aren’t you sweeeet. I figure that tipping to any one of y’all gets about as quick a result as slapping a Cajun in their cousin’s bar:)

    But really, y’all know how weird I can get about the Bigger Picture. And then again, just because yer paranoid…
    I reeeeally appreciate your patronage. Hope I can afford one of y’all when they come after the bloggers.

    Oh wait, but there may not be many of you left <–(no pun intended)(not me)(no way)
    This thing with the lead attorney in what has got to be a landmark, precedent setting lawsuit, regarding its flooding of New Orleans, against the US Government has me just a bit tilted, jacked, dinked…slabbed?

    So they (The Infamy) possess the Executive Branch(2000) the Judicial (Roberts) then Legislative (Afghanistan) our National Guard (Iraq) our infrastructure engineering and hence our iron curtains (Exquixotic Corps Kafkatrina Nightmare in Midwestern Cold Blood) (DHS/ICE/KBR) our mobility (that one’s easy) our press (weeeeell, I would beg to slab that one) our Freedom of Assembly (FISA)…hmmmm what have I left out? Oh! Our LAWyers! Yeah!

    Though we don’t live in Pakistan–yet (recent 2nd Amendment ruling)(and bear in mind that I keep and bear) when I follow the trajectory of this case against O’Donnell alongside the ones y’all already have covered so well…I see the answer to that question in the Musharif Solution! Who’s gonna complain about a bunch of “Trial Lawyers”–especially when they contribute to another Trial Lawyer.
    Everyone jokes about these types of lawyers until they need one. Then they want the meanest, most aggressive some’bitch the Devil ever shit into a spittoon! Go figure.
    Hey! Got any Lawyers?
    GO FISH!

  5. This case was totally off my radar screen as I was certain it had already been decided the Corps wasn’t liable – so once I started digging I thought others might be interested in the distinction that kept this case alive.

    I just don’t know anything about Mr. O’Donnell and his politics but this case has a ton of lawyers – even us non-lawyers can figure out there would be a lot in a in a $77 billion dollar case

    Interesting information plus I learned how to connect you tube although I don’t think it’s the usual way, it worked. So a good use of Sunday afternoon time.

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