Breaking – but not surprising – news: State Farm files response opposing reconsideration of Rigsby’s Qui Tam lawyers

Thought I’d post the documents so everyone had the opportunity to read at “tea time” as we say. So here’s the State Farm’s response and supporting memorandum. I’ve just had time to glance over both.

Back shortly with comments and the exhibits. Up and dirty, Sop, if you’re mixing.

3 thoughts on “Breaking – but not surprising – news: State Farm files response opposing reconsideration of Rigsby’s Qui Tam lawyers”

  1. I am posting the relators’ memo in support of their motion for reconsideration here so that it is easily accessible for comparison.

    Both the motion and the memo in support of State Farm’s response to the relators’ motion is repetitive at best.

  2. The SF attorney in Oxford is the pick of the lot IMO, belle. This is another in the distract-with-a-“pyramid of distortion” style – that and the last minute filing make this one a classic State Farm 4-D (delay, deny, deceive and distract).

    I’m reading!

  3. I’m just getting in ladies. Since the Mrs is off on the Coast goodwill singing tour of DC and Buck-Mont PA it’s just me and the little man. I’ll try to catch up.


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