The May Report

Time is short so will be the report unlike April’s where I promised to have the insurance tab done by 5-31. Oh well, we all have day jobs too. Traffic increased very nicely, especially in the area of time on site. Of course we welcome our new visitors that discovered us with some of our more popular posts in late May. Here is the run down:

Our most popular topic has been the story of James Perdigao and the nuclear strategy in his legals fights with Jim Letten and Adams & Reese. Slabbed intersection with the case involves former Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Robert Wooley. We are honored to learn former Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Brown linked us on his blog. He is on the old Rock of New Orleans these days. Sweet!

Slabbed’s brothers and sisters in Louisiana like to keep up with Mississippi’s Katrina Insurance Litigation which is where our most popular post of all time by Bellesouth and Nowdy now resides, shattering our previous record. We thank Alan Lange at Yall politics for featuring us. We also acknowledge a link to the post from Darth Sidious himself.

Our about page remains very popular as does our coverage of the Beef Plant debacle.  We are read by employees of The Facility Group and the case lawyers.

Our third all time most viewed post relates to the disappearance of elderly Hancock County resident Ward Buel. Ward remains in our thoughts and prayers.