Oh Well a Rant it is…..

You buy the “big ass bottle of whiskey” in Louisville. You can buy the Grey Goose just about anywhere.

Who wudda thunk it Nowdy and Belle? Google “big ass bottle of whiskey” and up comes slabbed. Google “big ass bottle of Grey Goose” and up comes slabbed. I think I’m getting the hang of this blogging thing.

Now if only the Caps and Sop could get together for that fancy ass tequila or is that the Sops and the Cap….Ann you out there honey? Say the word and I’m on a plane. The wife understands…..


3 thoughts on “Oh Well a Rant it is…..”

  1. I wonder about Fat Mama’s Knock You Naked Margaritas? I bet that comes up slabbed, too. It looks like this is the go-to place!

  2. Hang in their Nowdy, I’m trying to scare up a bon fire for the 4th. Besides I’ve been negligent in scheduling continuing ed so you’ll most likely see the bartender a few times before June is done.

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