Breaking news: Renfroe files motion to dismiss Rigsby Qui Tam

Here’s the latest set of documents E.A. Renfroe has filed.  This time they’ve going after the literally defenseless Rigsby  sisters – proof position Judge Senter’s ill-founded decision to disqualify their Qui Tam counsel was contrary to the public interest.

Motion to Dismiss Rigsby Qui Tam Claim against Gene and Jana Renfroe

Memorandum of Support for Renfroe Motion to Dismiss

Motion for Summary Judgment (filed by Gene and Jana Renfroe)

Memorandum of Support for Renfroe Summary Judgment

Comment to follow.

7 thoughts on “Breaking news: Renfroe files motion to dismiss Rigsby Qui Tam”

  1. None of this surprises me Nowdy. Judge Senter’s poor handling of this case and others is now coming home to roost. The message here is clear. If you are a large company it is OK to break the law and steal from the treasury because you are above the law.

  2. Oh hell’s bells — this is ridiculous. State Farm joined by Haag, Rimkus, and Jade filed a motion to dismiss on these same grounds on 4/8/08.

    A text order was issued suspending deadlines relating to that and other motions until the Court issues a ruling on the 121 Motion to Stay Proceedings.

  3. and, belle, of course they know that but while the Rigsby’s are defenseless, they decided to make another run at it.

    I’m pulling things together to add comment to the post a little later.

  4. State Farm also filed a motion of summary judgment on the same grounds as well. D’oh!

  5. As a service to our readers we post the legal documents for everyone to see for themselves. It’s a small price to pay – 8 cents/page – to document what is actually going on in the courts. Pacer is Public Access to Court Electronic Records.

  6. And Belle our readers owe you a debt of thanks for making those filings available and to Nowdy for burning the midnight oil getting those docs posted.

    Evidently the State Farm sponsorship at Folo isn’t enough to fund the 8 cents a page. Allstate must pay Rossmiller much more since he is pretty good at getting certain PACER docs posted

    And as always we at slabbed tell our story first hand directly from ground zero without begging and free of charge, including advertising.

    BTW – I must not have told you ladies that I make a good margarita too. We’ll let our readers wonder about the getting knocked naked part. :mrgreen:


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