Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC

In Scott Bloch we find another striking example of why a thorough house cleaning and GOP purge is necessary in Washington DC this November. With this group of right wing ideologues in charge at DoJ is it any wonder Dunn Lampton still can’t make up his mind on intervening on Ex Rel Rigsby? How ironic the strange beds in which our Rigsby-hating State Farm apologist find themselves. What a mess.

The Wall Street Journal has the story.

Federal agents raided the Office of Special Counsel, a government agency involved in several high-profile and politically sensitive investigations. The agents seized computer files and documents from its chief, Scott Bloch, and his staff.

Mr. Bloch, who was appointed by President Bush, has been under investigation since 2005 by the Office of Personnel Management for employee claims that he abused his agency’s authority, retaliated against its staff and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination. Mr. Bloch couldn’t be reached to comment.

The Justice Department joined the case as the inquiry was widened last year to include possible obstruction of justice, which is a criminal offense. The Wall Street Journal reported Nov. 28 that in the midst of the inquiry Mr. Bloch used an agency credit card to hire a commercial firm, Geeks on Call, to erase data from his computer and those of former staff.

In the Journal article, Mr. Bloch confirmed the Geeks on Call visit but said it was needed to eradicate a software virus. He said that none of the documents sought in the inquiry were affected and that the employee claims against him were unfounded and unfair.

The Justice Department had no comment about Tuesday’s raid. A Special Counsel spokesman said, “we are cooperating with law enforcement. We do not yet know what this is about.” He said the agency “is continuing to perform the independent mission of this office.”

In the Tuesday raid, 20 agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and an inspector general’s office served grand jury subpoenas on Mr. Bloch and searched his office and home. At least 17 employees were asked to appear before the grand jury next week and answer questions about possible obstruction of justice and destruction of federal records during an investigation.

The Office of Special Counsel, created in the 1970s in the wake of the Watergate scandal, probes sensitive personnel and whistleblower claims by government workers. It also enforces the Hatch Act, which forbids the use of federal resources for partisan political purposes.

Among the office’s recent inquiries was whether former White House political director Karl Rove and others improperly used U.S. agencies to help elect Republicans.

Mr. Bloch’s investigation of the White House political operation began after a Rove deputy gave a series of political presentations to government agencies on Republican prospects in specific congressional races. Mr. Bloch’s office wanted to know whether such presentations violated the Hatch Act. A task force interviewed officials at more than a dozen agencies and examined White House emails but found few clear violations, lawyers close to the case said. The investigations remain pending.

Mr. Bloch also thrust his agency into other investigations where the agency’s authority was less clear. A document reviewed by The Wall Street Journal shows that the agency’s Hatch Act task force found in January that many of the investigations under way were without merit or should be closed.

The subpoenas Tuesday also asked for files about the one Hatch Act case that has been completed, which found misconduct by the head of the General Services Administration, Lurita Doan. The White House last week ordered Ms. Doan to resign.

Mr. Bloch’s investigative role made him a target for both political parties.

“This isn’t an ordinary bureaucrat, this is Special Counsel, the guy who is supposed to police this kind of thing,” said Rep. Tom Davis (R., Va.). The Geeks on Call incident “was a real red flag.”

One thought on “Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC”

  1. Sop, this reminds me of the post Promise wrote early on about all the lawyers hiring lawyers – “Lawyers spend a great deal of time shoveling smoke”.

    Definitely a boom market for shovels inside and outside DOJ!

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