Before you let that sweet potato rot…

Until my morning read-around, I’d never thought of Balducci as a trend-setter;ipomoea_batatas.jpg but, the evidence suggests that sweet potatoes are becoming the gift of choice for some – including one who obviously needs a little schooling before he lets his prized sweet potato rot.

If you want to keep a sweet potato in your office, it’s best to root it for use as a plant. Otherwise, it’s best to just take that “tater” home and eat it. My suggestion is sweet potato hash browns with a grilled steak.

Try the Sweet Potato Queen for other suggestions. My choice there would be theĀ Fat Mama’s Knock-You-Naked-Margarita-Mix – finish off the three-pack and you’ll never give rotten sweet potatoes another thought.

3 thoughts on “Before you let that sweet potato rot…”

  1. Well, whatdayaknow! Fat Mama’s Knock You Naked Margaritas come from good ole Natchez! They are relocating to new and better spot across the street since their spot got taken over by the National Park Service! Can’t wait until then, so I guess I just go on down and get me on them now. Sweet potatoe vines make a lovely flower as pictured above. Good idea, Nowdy!

  2. Welp pardners, ole Rossmiller has made a big deal out of that Maria Brown complaint and from the looks of it she has become a hot tater to go with them sweet taters hes got. This Cowboy will enjoy watchin’ that ole Portland shill try to spin this one.

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